Dingo pictures Documentary
The Dingo Pictures Documentary reached it's goal! More than 9001€ were funded by 274 backers on Kickstarter.
What's up now with the project?
In the next stepps we will put together any informations that we got during that time and plan when we can travel togethter to Friedrichsdorf for getting through the actual papers and start filming the main part of the documentary. Same goes for the Interviews. There we must look when the persons have time. The people we will Interview will be announced soon!
New Music
Beside Dingo Pictures, there will be new music released in the next months. In September 2021 we will have a bunch off new releases.
DJ Kaito & DJ Moesql will release on September 1st their Moesql EP. A "Best Of" of DJ Moesqls tracks with Vier Sterne Deluxe Records. Back in 2012 he joint VSD and stayed a few years. Over time he made a bunch of mixes and new electric songs out of the content we provided.
Dingo Pictures second radioplay will be released in the middle of the moth. "Sing mit Aladin" can be preordered on August 13th.
CD Versions of the Dingo Pcitures Radioplays will be availeble exclusively at/for our Direct Partners this year! They will be availeble only in the Standard CD format (NO PRO-CDR!) When you want to join our Direct Partner Program, write us!
After his first Hit "That's ALL?!", LifeCat will release his new Single "Get Caught" at the end of September.
Wabuu removed from spotify - We're wokring on it!
Wabuu, der Freche Waschbär was removed from Spotify, "as it currently goes against our spoken word content policy." (Original statement from Spotify) They could not say which part of the radioplay was the trigger. We are in contact with our distributors, what we can do, to get this back on to Spotify. The release will get normally over the quality control of us, to the distribution team and than provided to Spotify and other platforms.
Other platforms like Deezer or YouTube, doesn't have a problem with this content.
In the meantime you can listen to that on OTHER PLATFORMS